Credit Over Banking If you’re tired of your current financial institution and are in search of someone that can provide competitive rates, better services, and security, we are confident our services and benefits are exactly what you’re looking for. Take a look at the following questions and find out why we believe a credit union is right for you. Are credit unions covered by the FDIC as banks are?Credit unions are not covered by the FDIC; however, they are covered by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) which works similarly as the FDIC. The federal government oversees the NCUA and insures the accounts of all of our members with the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Contact Us If you have any...Read more ...What makes a credit union superior to a banking institution?The biggest advantage to being with a credit union is the membership. When a person joins one, they are given a stake in the company and can elect Board to Directors who best serve their interests. Since credit unions are member-owned, not only is a member’s money invested in the success of the institution, the...Read more ...Is it easy to switch from a bank to a credit union?In most cases it is easy to switch from a bank to a credit union. There are a few things you should check before switching over: Check eligibility Compare credit unions Convenience Switching from a bank to a credit union does have its perks, such as great customer service, no added fees, lower interest rates,...Read more ...Why Do I Need A Credit Check To Work With A Bank Or Credit Union?Financial Institutions aren’t necessarily concerned about your credit score but the legal matters that go with it. Have you ever committed fraud or bankruptcy? They want to make sure that their money will be safe in your hands and that you won’t be tempted to commit a crime. Contact Us For more information on employment...Read more ...Will I Have Better Luck Getting A Loan From A Credit Union Than A Bank?According to the National Credit Union Administration, credit unions have been showing a steady increase in loan lending. Membership has also increased since credit unions answer to their members and not a board of directors. It would be safe to say that your money is better off in a credit union than a bank. Contact...Read more ...Are credit unions similar to banking institutions?No. People who join credit unions are members, not just another customer like at a banking institution. All members’ opinions are considered and discussed amongst members. Credit unions are a non-profit cooperative financial institution where members ensure each other’s security with assistance. Credit unions offer financial services that accommodate their members. Contact Us For more...Read more ...Are credit union member “shares” much like bank money deposits?Like banks, credit unions accept bank deposits, which are referred to as credit union member shares. Shares are insured by the National Credit Union Association (NCUA) and can deposit anytime you wish with confidence. Contact Us To join a credit union today or for inquiries, contact the Brownsville credit union branch of Valley Federal Credit...Read more ...How Do CU Rates Differ From a Bank?Depending on the bank loan, rates may be considerably different. Credit unions offers very competitive rates for loans and investments. Banks have higher rates so that they can make a profit and pay their shareholders. Credit unions are owned by their members. Contact Us For more information about loan rates, contact the loan professionals of...Read more ...