What is the NCUA and how does it benefit me as a member? The NCUA stands for the National Credit Union Administration. Strongly defined on the NCUA.gov site, the NCUA is the independent federal agency that regulates, charters and supervises federal credit unions. They are supported by the U.S. Government, and the administration operates the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), which ensures money deposits of each credit union member nationally for up to $250,000. As a member, your money is protected and ensured if and when your credit union displays the NCUA signs/logo on each of their branches, ATMs and on their website. Contact Us To become a member of an NCUA insured federal credit union, contact the Harlingen branch of Valley Federal Credit Union at (956) 425-5668, or the Brownsville main office at (956) 546-3108.