Valley Federal Credit Union Brownsville TX - Credit Union Harlingen - Página 13 de 32

Stay Up to Date this National Credit Education Month at our Harlingen Credit Union

Do you consider yourself an expert on saving money, budgeting, and finding good deals? Then you'll want to celebrate National Credit Education Month. A credit score is a number that reflects how likely you are to repay a loan. While this number doesn't seem like a big deal, it can be. There can be a... read more

4 Tipos Comunes de Fraude que Siempre debe Protegerse Contra

Con tantos avances de alta tecnología en nuestro mundo financiero hoy en día, la acción fraudulenta sigue siendo demasiado común. Con la temporada de impuestos ya terminado, usted pensaría que las estafas relacionadas con los impuestos serían viejas noticias, pero desafortunadamente, este no es el caso. Los actos fraudulentos atacan a través de varios medios,... read more

Last Chance to Apply for a Loyalty Loan from our Harlingen Credit Union!

Do you need a way to recover from your holiday expenses in 2021? Start the new year right with a Loyalty Loan from our credit union in Harlingen! They are still available until January 31, 2022! At our local federal credit union, we help our members manage their finances and offer loans at lower rates... read more

Debunking 3 Personal Loan Myths from our Harlingen Credit Union

It helps to have additional finances during the holidays to make ends meet. If you need money but aren’t sure where to get it, then a commercial Harlingen bank may sound appealing. However, they usually offer unfixed interest rates. Our credit union in Harlingen provides financing for credit cards, auto loans, secured loans, and personal... read more

2 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score During the Holidays at Our Credit Union in Harlingen

As the year comes to a close and holiday shopping begins, it’s time to reflect on your finances. Some people may want to remove their debt, manage their budget, or improve their credit score. A credit score typically ranges between 300 and 850, and the higher the number, the better. Credit scores may seem like a... read more

3 Steps to Help You Avoid Identity Theft While Traveling This Holiday Season

Now that state and federal regulations regarding COVID-19 are lenient, many families are sure to travel during the holidays. While this can be exciting for everyone, one area of concern some people may not focus on is how to protect their personal information. Families risk having their identities stolen when they travel with social security... read more

2 Services to Help You Afford the Holiday Season at our Brownsville Credit Union

Do you owe money to several creditors and loan providers? Paying off multiple debts is enough of a struggle without paying for additional holiday expenses. If you are ready for a financial change, then consider using a Consolidation Loan and Holiday Skip-a-Payment this holiday season! These two services can help you afford expenses including, traveling... read more