Finance A Vehicle With Credit Union Aid Paying for a new car can be difficult without help. Getting a car loan that works for you can take time, but is a must to ensure you’re getting the best deal. With thousands of credit unions open in the United States, there a many car loan options to choose from. Credit unions provide many benefits to their members. Applying for a car loan with a credit union comes with other perks. Credit unions are more forgiving and willing to work with their members. If you’re having a difficult time meeting your payment dates, they are more likely to work with you than reprimand you. Competitive rates are available through credit unions. People can become members and enjoy user-friendly online loan processes. Valley Federal Credit Union offers auto loan rates as low as 1.9% as well as member perks. Contact our Brownsville or Harlingen office for more information about applying for a car loan with our Valley credit union. Call us at 956-546-3108.