Articles Credit Over BankingCredit Unions are a fast-growing force in the financial market, giving private banks a major reason to increase their business methods to customers. The US Government released a figure in April of 2012 showing that the number of Americans joining credit unions in the fourth quarter of 2011 reached 1.3 million. This is over double...Read more ...Credit Unions and You: A Match Made In HeavenCredit unions are available around the globe, all with the aim of providing convenience and benefits for members. A credit union's ultimate mission is to serve their members in the most consumer friendly way possible. Check out the following advantages provided by credit unions and you'll see why you and your credit union are a...Read more ...Loans from Credit UnionsGetting a loan from a credit union is very different from getting one from a corporate bank. Since credit unions are nonprofit, they are essentially owned by their customers. Because of this fact, there are several advantages to members who choose to apply for a loan with their credit union. Advantages and loan types are...Read more ...Financial AdviceAs a member of the Valley Federal Credit Union, we hope you can rely on us for all of your financial needs. We aim to provide you with the resources necessary to make the best of your short and long-term financial goals. Your credit union should be your go-to source for advice whenever and where-...Read more ...