Two Tips to Protect Your Personal Information While Traveling During the Holidays - VFCU

Two Tips to Protect Your Personal Information While Traveling During the Holidays

Traveling during the holidays can always be a fit of frenzy while with family. You have to survive airports, heavy traffic, and, most importantly, the risk of identity theft. With more and more people traveling these days during this season, this is when everyone needs to think about their lines of credit and vulnerability abroad.

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Our credit union in Brownsville wants to offer you two important steps to ensure that you do not fall prey to identity theft.

Avoid Taking Unnecessary Documents

Clean out your wallets and handbags before you travel! Leave unnecessary cards, identification, and checkbooks at home (unless you plan on using these during your trip). Any documents with your social security number should also be left at home.

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If you do need to bring highly-sensitive documents along on your travels, keep them in a zippered envelope so nothing falls out. Also, keep a checklist on your phone in order to remember what you brought in case of an emergency.

Re-Think Using Wireless Networks 

It can be so tempting to use a public computer at an airport for the ease of not having to lug one around. However, digital thefts are possible if a software intended to grab information from public users is downloaded on there.

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If you bring your own device, make sure to use secured wireless networks. These encrypt all information you send while using the device. If at an airport or hotel, ask staff members which networks are safe to use. Caution your family to not make purchases through unsecured networks to keep your credit card information safe.

Contact Our Credit Union in Brownsville if You Have Concerns

We want to ensure your peace of mind while you and your family travel. If traveling, check out the latest security tips at to learn more. Contact us if you have questions regarding your travels or the status of any of your loans or credit cards!

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