When it comes to getting your auto loan it doesn’t have to be hard or difficult, in fact, when it comes to getting the finances you need for a car, the process is fast and simple. Find your way to attain finances and help pay off the necessary essentials for any financial situation. Here are a few ways to get your VFCU auto loans with ease!
Why VFCU Auto Loans?
Loans vary depending on the amount borrowed and the lender willing to provide those finances. Typically, an auto loan allows you to borrow money from a lender and use those finances to purchase a vehicle. Although the process is simple and fast, you would have to consider the possibility of having to repay your loan in fixed installments over a certain period.
Budget Your Finances
If you’ve done your research on what car you were looking into buying, then it’s time to consider your financial options. Before even considering buying your car, you must think about important factors that could hinder your car-buying process:
- Do you have a down payment set aside?
- What is the highest you can pay per month?
- Do you have a good insurance premium?
- Is this vehicle gas-friendly, even during inflation times?
- Do you have money set aside for repairs and maintenance?
Improve Your Credit
Your credit history is among the most important things to have when it comes to buying a car. In order to attain and fix your credit. First, download the VFCU Mobile Money App to get a FREE credit score check, and then read these articles to help you.
Consider Trade-ins or Discounts
When it comes to finding the right deal for your car, you need to consider options. Do so by:
- Trading in your older vehicle and use that money for your new purchase.
- Visiting websites and exclusive car deals from other dealerships to get an estimate how much money it will cost.
- Speaking to competing dealerships and ask for which deals they offer for your trade in, and once you find the lowest, contact your dealership and see if they can price-match.
Doing so can help with most of the finances, and consider how much your old vehicle is worth before turning it into a dealership and selling it.
Finding the Right Loan
Since credit unions are non-profit organizations, VFCU has lower overhead costs than Harlingen banks. Credit unions can pass on cost savings to consumers, including our auto loans:
- New auto loan up to 75 months as low as 5.15%**
- New auto loan up to 84 months as low as 6.50%**
- Used auto loan up to 72 months as low as 6.50%**
- Used auto loan up to 84 months as low as 7.50%**
You and Your New Car!
Now that you’ve done your hard work and figured out how to purchase your vehicle, you can enjoy your sweet new ride! Although it is important to remember that your car is yours to take care of, don’t forget that your finances are also just as important in order to keep that new ride!
VFCU Auto Loans
Contact Us for more information and see if you can become a member of VFCU, and gain access to plenty of membership benefits! Want to know more about VFCU banking benefits? Check out VFCU for more information on our services!